Hempsted Playgroup and Toddlers
Hempsted Playgroup and Toddlers
Supervision Policy
Quality performance management is essential in ensuring beneficial outcomes for the children and their families. It is also a crucial element in the role of the early year’s practitioner, for development, motivation, support and teamwork. Supervision is a statutory requirement of the Early Years Foundation Stage (Department for Education 2023 - updated 19/01/2024)
Providers must put effective arrangements in place for the Supervision of staff who have contact with children and families. Effective supervision provides support, coaching and training for the practitioner and promotes the interests of children. Supervision should foster a culture of mutual support, teamwork and continuous improvement, which encourages the confidential discussion of sensitive issues. (3.22 Statutory Framework for the early years foundation stage 2023)
What is supervision?
Supervision is an instrument to help management of practice.
To discuss issues, in particular children’s development and well-being.
To monitor standards.
Identify solutions to address issues.
Review work and workload.
Plan future action.
Improve in-house communication.
Frequency and Duration
Supervision meetings will be held every six months and will last no longer than thirty minutes. However if both parties feel that there is reason to arrange more frequent meetings, then this can be arranged.
During the Supervision
We will discuss what your job involves, what the setting would like you to do and how you will be supported to carry out your job to the best of your ability. Discuss your continuing professional development, basing it on your own personal values as well as the settings aims and standards. Share any relevant information.
The Supervisor will take notes during the meeting and an action plan will be drawn up, with the Supervisee, to agree the next steps that will be put in place.
The Supervisors’ notes will be checked, signed and both parties will receive a copy, they will then be used for review at the next supervision meeting.
The Supervisee can be expected to:
Be listened to.
Be treated fairly and in an anti-discriminatory manner.
Have their views, opinions and feelings valued and respected.
Be treated as an adult.
They should feel able to:
Learn from mistakes, to seek advice on what they do not know or they are unsure of.
This is a confidential document; it is also an organisational document that does not belong exclusively to the supervisor and supervisee. As such the supervision record is not secret or private. (Confidentiality Policy)
Only under certain circumstances can others access these documents:
Internal/external inquiry
Reviewed August 2024