Hempsted Playgroup and Toddlers
Our Staff
The team at Hempsted Playgroup are dedicated and highly skilled practitioners. Their warmth and expertise makes playgroup a welcoming and enriching environment for preschool children.
"We seek to create a positive and happy environment, building relationships with parents and carers, so we can work together in partnership helping in their childs learning".
All staff have regular updated training in Safeguarding and Paediatric !st Aid.
Sharon Johnson
Sharon is our Playgroup Manager and team leader. She has worked at playgroup as a practitioner for more than 20 years and is our most experienced and qualified member.
Sharon holds a level 3 Diploma in Pre-school practice and level 4 Higher Diploma in Early Years qualification in Early Years. Level 3 SENDCo trained.
She is also our Designated Safe Guard Lead DSL). She is also our deputy SENDCo.
Sharon is our Lead Behaviour.
She is qualified in Paediatric First Aid, Food Hygiene.
Jane Knight
Amy Bullock . Holley Johnson-Manley
Jane joined our Playgroup in 2016 and is the Deputy Playleader.
She has a Level 3 Early Years Educator. Jane is Deputy DSL and communication and language person.
She is qualified in Paediatric First Aid Training.
Amy started with us as a playgroup parent in 2017. She has a level 3 in Children and Young People in the Workforce. Level 3 SENDCo trained.
Amy is our SENDCo, Health, Safety and Fire Marshall. She is qualified in Paediatric First Aid.
Holley joined us in September 2019.
Holley is qualified in Paediatric First Aid.
Holley has completed her Level 2 Diploma for the Early Years Practitioner and will start level 3 training in 2022.
Attiqa Fazal
​Attiqa joined us in September 2023.
She is a level 3 practioner, is qualified in Paediatric First Aid and Food Hygiene
Alyssa Dix
Alyssa started her apprenticeship with us in February 2024 and is working towards her Level 2.
All our staff are approriately qualified and have been checked for criminal and other records through the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) in accordance with statutory requirements. They regularly attend refresher courses for Safeguarding, and keep up to date with child welfare awareness.
"The Welfare of the Child is Paramount" Childrens Act 1989