Hempsted Playgroup and Toddlers
Hempsted Playgroup and Toddlers
Parents as Partners Policy
At Hempsted Playgroup and Toddlers we understand the importance of working in partnership with parents.
A trusting, warm and respectful relationship between key worker and parents begins with the initial contact meeting, and it is crucial that, from the start, parents understand that staff value their knowledge and understanding of their child.
With a two-way flow of communication to meet the child’s needs, we can achieve the best possible learning outcome.
In the EYFS, working in partnership with parents is a key principle of effective practice, 'Parents, Families and Practitioners working together to benefit children".
We welcome and value all our parents and children.
We recognise the important role of parents and the expertise that parents
and staff bring and, together, we can enhance the child’s learning.
To have in place clear systems for ongoing dialogue based on a two-way
flow of communication, informal / formal conversations at the
beginning/end of the day, during the settling-in period and e-mail.
Anything that is discussed, regarding any changes, must be followed up
in writing/email to the playgroup for our records.
Confidentiality and privacy is upheld (Confidentiality Policy).
To make sure information is accessible to all parents, e.g. parents with
We provide information (and information about the EYFS curriculum)
through email, our website and our notice board.
Before the children start, we obtain relevant admission forms. We ensure
all the information is kept up to date and secure. (Admission,
Confidentiality and GDPR policy)
We ask parents to complete an 'All About Me' sheet to provide
information about their child, this provides us with relevant information to make an initial assessment on how we are going to help with their child’s transition into Playgroup.
We operate a key-person approach to establish close relationships with
the parent and child, talking openly with parents to meet the needs of the child (Settling in policy) and to pass on information about home, new interests or share concerns.
We actively seek parental contributions to the assessment process,
including contributions to the child’s learning journey, which we send home once a term to build up a picture of what the child is learning. We also encourage parents to take part in the WOW Voucher system.
We report progress and children’s achievements throughout their time
with us: In the Autumn term we have an informal visiting session when parents are welcome to come and talk and share their children’s work and experiences with us. This also provides an opportunity to answer any questions or concerns they may have.
We welcome parents to volunteer in the setting, ‘stay and play’. This is a
wonderful way to observe their child playing and interacting with the other children. It also provides a time for parents to talk to their child’s key person about their progress and view their work.
As a Charity, we encourage parents to become involved in our activities
and events. Ensuring everyone feels welcome to participate and that all their ideas are valued and listened to. You can also become a 'friend' and attend our regular meetings or brain storming sessions, on ways we can raise funds for the playgroup. You will also be able to volunteer and participate in community events organised by the school or the church, representing playgroup.
We actively seek parental views. If a parent raises a concern or complaint,
the complaint procedure is followed.
Partnership and signposting to other agencies
We are committed to ensuring effective partnership with other agencies including:
local authority early years services about the EYFS, training and staff development
local programmes regarding delivering children’s centres or the childcare and early education element of children’s centres
social welfare departments regarding children in need and children who need safeguarding or for whom a child protection plan is in place
child development networks and health professionals to support children with disabilities and special needs
local community organisations and other childcare and early education providers
Ofsted and setting contact details are made available to other agencies who have a complaint that cannot be resolved with the setting manager in the first instance, or where a parent is concerned that the EYFS safeguarding and welfare standards are not being maintained.
Legal references
Childcare Act 2006
Education Act 2011
Reviewed August 2024