Hempsted Playgroup and Toddlers
Hempsted Playgroup and Toddlers
Intimate care and nappy changing
Prime times of the day make the very best of routine opportunities to promote ‘tuning-in’ to the child emotionally and to create opportunities for learning. Nappy changing times are key times in the day for being close and promoting security as well as for communication, exploration and learning.
Nappy changing records.
Young children, intimate care and toileting
• Wherever possible, key persons undertake changing young children in their key groups; back-up key persons change them if the key person is absent.
• Young children are usually changed within sight or hearing of other staff whilst maintaining their dignity and privacy at all times
• Young children from two years may be put into ‘pull ups’ as soon as they are comfortable with this and if parents agree.
• Changing areas are warm, appropriately sited and there are safe areas to lay young children if they need to have their bottoms cleaned. There are mobiles or other objects of interest to take the child’s attention.
• If children refuse to lie down for nappy change, they can be changed whilst standing up, providing it is still possible to clean them effectively.
• Key persons ensure that nappy changing is relaxed and a time to promote independence in young children.
• Young children are encouraged to take an interest in using the toilet; they may just want to sit on it and talk to a friend who is also using the toilet.
• They are encouraged to wash their hands and have soap and paper towels to hand. They should be allowed time for some play as they explore the water and the soap.
• Anti-bacterial hand wash liquid or soap should not be used by young children, as they are no more effective than ordinary soap and water.
• Key persons are gentle when changing and avoid pulling faces and making negative comment about the nappy contents.
• Wipes are used to clean the child. Where cultural practices involve children being washed and dried with towels, staff aim to make reasonable adjustments to achieve the desired results in consultation with the child’s parents. Where this is not possible it is explained to parents the reasons why. The use of wipes or cotton wool and water achieves the same outcome whilst reducing the risk of cross infection from items such as towels that are not ‘single use’ or disposable.
• Key persons do not make inappropriate comments about young children’s genitals when changing their nappies.
• The procedure for dealing with sore bottoms is the same as that for babies.
• Older children use the toilet when needed and are encouraged to be independent.
• Members of staffs do not wipe older children’s bottoms unless there is a need, or unless the child has asked.
• Key persons are responsible for changing where possible. Back-up key persons take over in the key person’s absence, but where it is unavoidable that other members of staff are brought in, they must be briefed as to their responsibilities towards designated children, so that no child is inadvertently overlooked and that all children’s needs continue to be met.
• Parents are encouraged to provide enough changes of clothes for ‘accidents when children are potty training.
• If spare clothes are kept by the setting, they are ‘gender neutral’ i.e. neutral colours, and are clean, in good condition and are in a range of appropriate sizes.
• If young children are left in wet or soiled nappies/pull-ups in the setting, this may constitute neglect and will be a disciplinary matter.
Nappy changing is always done in an appropriate/designated area. Children are not changed in play areas or next to snack tables. If there are limitations for nappy change areas due to the lay-out of the room or space available this is discussed with the setting manager’s line manager so that an appropriate site can be agreed that maintains the dignity of the child and good hygiene practice.
Reviewed August 2024