Hempsted Playgroup and Toddlers
Hempsted Playgroup and Toddlers
Personal Websites, Weblogs and Social Networking Sites Policy
Hempsted Playgroup recognises that many employees, parents and carers use the internet for personal purposes and may participate in social networking on websites, or the setting up of ‘blogs’ on the internet.
Whilst employees, parents and carers are free to use the internet in this way they must ensure that they do not:
· Breach the law or disclose Hempsted Playgroup’s confidential information
· Defame the playgroup, it’s users or employees
· Disclose personal data or information about any individual that could breach the Data Protection Act 1998 and Hempsted Playgroup’s Confidentiality policy
and they must keep completely confidential any information regarding the children, their families or other staff which is learned through the playgroup.
· The internet is a fast moving technology and it is impossible to cover all circumstances. However, the principles set out in this policy should always be followed.
Social Networking Sites
The open nature of these sites means it is possible for third parties to access information. It is not appropriate to share work related information whether written or pictorial in this way.
This information includes photographs, videos or comments. Adherence must be made to Hempsted Playgroup’s Confidentiality policy, E-Safety, Acceptable Use and ICT Policy and Child Protection policy.
Hempsted playgroup may use their private facebook group. Only staff and parents of children who attend the setting may view this page. Any photos shared on this page must only include children with written consent from their parent/ carer. Playgroup can use the playgroup mobile phone to update this page and share photos. This page is to be used to update parents/carers of upcoming events and information in regard to playgroup e.g. Half term dates/closure. This closed group is a way of us passing on information, showing work of the children and sharing photos of the children settling in and taking part in activities.
Under no circumstances should comments be made about Playgroup staff, committee or parents on the internet.
For staff this could result in disciplinary action being taken.
If staff wish to raise concerns about the playgroup they should follow the Whistle blowing policy, whilst parents should follow the correct complaints procedure as detailed within these policy documents.
Websites and Blogs
Hempsted Playgroup does not encourage employees to write about their work in any way. If individuals choose to do so they should follow the guidelines below
· No information must be disclosed that is confidential to the playgroup
· If individuals, choose to write about their work or experience of playgroup without naming the group it may still be possible for people to work out the identity of those involved
· It is not acceptable to use a weblog as a forum for criticism.
· Employees with complaints should use the playgroups whistle blowing policy or grievance procedure, and parents/carers should refer to the complaints procedure.
Disciplinary Action
If necessary, action will be taken against any employee, parent or carer who is found to have breached this policy. Employees should also refer to the disciplinary policy.
Personal use of the internet
Hempsted Playgroup does not allow personal use of the internet during session times.
Reviewed August 2023