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                                                                                                Hempsted Playgroup and Toddlers

                                                                                                                 Induction Policy


At Hempsted Playgroup and Toddlers we provide an induction for all staff, volunteers, students and managers to fully brief them about the setting, the families we serve, our policies and procedures.


Safeguarding Statement

Hempsted Playgroup and Toddlers is committed to Safeguarding all children, young people and vulnerable adults that we meet. Safeguarding the welfare of the child is the paramount consideration in every situation. All staff and volunteers are expected to share this commitment.

Having safeguards in place within our setting not only protects and promotes the welfare of children but it also enhances the confidence of staff, volunteers, parents/carers, management/governors and the public and reduces the risk of appointing unsuitable people.

It is a clear requirement that everybody in the setting understands their safeguarding responsibilities (KCSIE 2023)


Safeguarding Legislative framework

Working together to Safeguard Children 2023 (updated 23/02/2024)

Children’s Act 1989 &2004

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023 (updated 24/05/2024))


Childcare Act 2006


We have a written induction plan, including an induction checklist for all new staff, which includes the following: - Introductions to all members of the adult team, students and volunteers.

Familiarising with the building, health and safety, and fire and evacuation procedures.

Ensuring our policies and procedures have been read and are carried out.

Familiarising them with confidential information where applicable in relation to any key children. - Details of the tasks and daily routines to be completed.


The induction period lasts a minimum of two weeks. The manager inducts new staff and volunteers. The chairperson or senior manager inducts new managers.  During the induction period, the individual must demonstrate understanding of and compliance with policies, procedures, tasks and routines.  Successful completion of the induction forms part of the probationary period and the induction checklist will be kept in the individual’s personal file.

Every new employee or volunteer needs a period to learn and adapt to their new working environment before they can become a fully effective member of the team. A good induction can minimise the time taken for a recruit to become effective in their role. Where no induction is in place the recruit settles in at their own pace and possibly misses out on some essential information while doing so. Where new recruits are not supported by an induction they can quickly become disillusioned and feel unsupported and may even end up leaving the job.



The Induction checklist is a very useful way of ensuring that information is imparted to new employees when they are likely to be most receptive. It avoids overloading employees with information during the first weeks whilst ensuring that all areas are covered. Managers/supervisors should ensure that these matters have been properly understood whilst the checklist is being completed, perhaps in the form of a weekly chat with the new entrant. At the end of the process the induction checklist should be signed by the relevant parties and placed in the member of staff's personnel file.



Many new employees are appointed subject to the successful completion of a probationary period. Having a comprehensive induction programme can help them complete their probationary period successfully within the time specified. The duration of the probation period should be clearly defined in the contract of employment and any offer of employment letter, and the rules concerning extending or completing a probationary period should be clearly spelt out in the terms and conditions of employment. Probation periods should not be too long (usually three to six months) and the employee should be informed of the standards they are expected to reach to enable them to complete the probationary period.


Reviewing the Induction Policy

Induction programmes cannot stay static and should be evaluated in case there are changes needed. To inform how to adapt and update an induction process, ask new employees as they complete their induction to evaluate its value and suggest any improvements. Also hold exit interviews with staff that leave within a year of starting and ask them for their views on the induction process.



Induction should be a positive learning experience for all those involved. A comprehensive induction can help create an inclusive, supportive working environment for everyone ensuring all new employees have shared knowledge and skills, and ensure a flawless transition to effective performance management practice.


Reviewed August 2024



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