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Hempsted Playgroup and Toddlers

Health and Safety Policy


Statement of intent


Hempsted Playgroup and Toddlers believes that the health and safety of children is of paramount importance. We make our playgroup a safe and healthy place for children, parents, staff and volunteers.




· We aim to make children, parents and staff aware of health and safety issues and to minimise the hazards and risks to enable the children to thrive in a healthy and safe environment.

· The member of staff responsible for health and safety is Amy Bullock. She is competent to carry out these responsibilities. She undertakes health and safety training and regularly updates her knowledge and understanding.


Children’s Safety


· We ensure all staff hold an Enhanced Disclosure form from the Criminal Records Bureau.

· All children are supervised by staff at all times, and the correct staff ratio is adhered to always.

· At least two adults must be present when children are on the premises (one must be a member of staff with a relevant level 3 qualification).

· Parent helpers and people whose suitability has not been checked are not left alone with the children.

· Parents are aware that they must inform a member of staff if the usual person who collects their child will not be collecting, and details of who the child will be leaving with must be given in writing when the child arrives.

· In the event of an emergency, permission may be given over the telephone by the parent. The parent must give a password which the collector will say on arrival.



Safer Recruitment


· We provide adequate and appropriate staffing resources to meet the needs of children.

· All our staff and the committee have DBS checks.

· We have a SCR (Single Central Record) for recording staff/committee/students identification checks.

· We abide by Ofsted requirements in respect of references and police checks for staff and volunteers, to ensure that no disqualified person, or unfit person works at the playgroup, or has access to the children.

· Staff and volunteers are asked to provide relevant and up to date information

· Volunteers do not work unsupervised.

· We have procedures for recording the details of visitors to the playgroup.




· Systems are in place to ensure the safe arrival and departure of all children.

· The times of the children’s arrivals and departures are recorded and on file. The arrival and departure of all adults (staff, visitors, volunteers) are recorded and on file.

· Our systems prevent unauthorised access to the building.

· Our systems prevent children leaving the premises unnoticed.


Outdoor Area


· Our outdoor area is securely fenced.

· Our outdoor area is checked for any risks before use.

· If any equipment is wet, it is wiped dry before use.

· All outdoor activities are supervised, ensuring that we have the correct staff ratio.


Indoor Learning Environment


· The layout of the room is open plan and allows constant supervision.

· The children’s toilet door is always opened up and a safety hook is put on to prevent the door closing on fingers. Only trained staff are allowed to assist children in the toilets.

· Nappy changing by a member of staff is performed with the adult toilet door open.

· Only staff members and the child’s own parent are permitted to change nappies. If a child who attends playgroup requires a nappy change, then the child’s key person is responsible for changing them in the first instance, depending upon how the staff are deployed at the time.

· The bathroom door MUST be kept open at all times for child protection reasons.

· All soiled nappies should be returned to the child’s parent at the end of the session, as disposal facilities are not available at this setting.


Food and Drink


· All food and drink is stored appropriately.

· Parents are advised about what can be stored safely within their child’s lunch boxes.

· No nuts or any food containing nuts are allowed on the premises.

· All hot drinks that do not have a lid must be consumed in the kitchen out of the children’s reach and not carried through the play area. Hot drinks that do have a lid may be consumed in the play area but must be supervised at all times.

· Snack time and lunch time is appropriately supervised and children do not walk about with food.

· We provide healthy, balanced and nutritious snacks.

· Drinks are available to the children at all times.

· We have a notice displayed clearly in the kitchen containing all details of any allergies or dietary requirements.

· All staff, including voluntary staff, will be aware of allergies and intolerances of children attending the setting.

· We have a Allergens and Food Intolerance Policy in place.

· All staff have up to date Food Hygiene Training.

· We display the Environmental Health Award for food hygiene.

· Ofsted will be notified as soon as possible of any food poisoning affecting 2 or more children looked after on the premises. Ofsted must be notified within 14 days of the incident occurring.




· We recognise that children will use computers at some time. They are a source of fun, entertainment, communication and education. However, we know that some men, women and young people will use these technologies to harm children. The harm might range from sending hurtful or abusive texts and emails, to enticing children to engage in sexually harmful conversations, web cam photography or face-to-face meetings.

· The setting has an e-safety policy that is known to all staff and children and a Code of Conduct which requires mobile phones to be stored in the office only away from the main room and any children. Excluding playgroups mobile phone which can be used in the main room (please refer to E-Safety, Acceptable Use and ICT Policy for mobile phone policy).


To protect children we will:


· Ask for parental consent and the child’s consent for photographs to be taken or published (for e.g., on our website or in newspapers or publications or private facebook page).

· Use only the child’s first name with an image.

· Ensure children are appropriately dressed.

· Encourage child to tell us if they are worried about any photographs that are taken of them.

· Have a policy regarding staff use of mobile phones within the workplace. See E-Safety, Acceptable use and ICT Policy


First Aid and Medication


At least one member of staff with up to date first aid training is on the premises, or on visits at all times.

The first aid kit is checked and re stocked monthly, and it is kept out of children’s reach.


Prescription Medicines


· Parents/carers give prior written permission for the administration of each and every medication.

· If the administration of prescribed medication requires medical knowledge, individual training will be provided for the relevant member of staff by a health professional.

· The parent/carer must inform staff in writing what the medication is for, the dose, and frequency of the medication, and any changes to the prescription or the support required when necessary.

· All medicines administered are recorded on the consented administration of medicine sheet for the child at the time of administration.

· The child has an individual record sheet in the Administration of medicine folder, and the medication, dosage, and time of administration is recorded and signed by the member of staff.

· At the beginning of each session, the parent/carer should notify the staff of when the child had his/her last dose of medicine, how much was given, and when the next dose is due and dosage needed.

· Staff will check the expiry dates of all medication before administration. Only medicines prescribed for that child by a doctor, dentist, nurse or pharmacist will be administered.

· Medicines will be stored in a cupboard out of children’s reach, or in the fridge if necessary, in the original container in which it was dispensed, which shows the prescribers instructions for administration.

· The above steps include medication such as steroid inhalers for Asthma and Allergy medication such as an EpiPen. Both require a personal Healthcare Plan/ Administration of medication form for the child with written consent from parent/carer and will be stored in the Administration of medicine folder. See Asthma policy and Allergens and food intolerance policy.

· A Healthcare plan will be completed and will be known to all staff.


Non-prescription Medicines


· Non prescription medicines include cough preparation, pain and fever relief, allergy medication such as Piriton, teething gel, nappy cream, moisturiser cream and sun cream, which may be administered by staff, but only with prior consent of the parent, and only when there is a health reason to do so.

· Parents/carers must give prior written permission for the administration of each and every non-prescription medicine eg. Calpol, Piriton.

· The parent must inform staff of in writing what the medication is for, the dose, and frequency of the medication. Also any changes to the support needed when necessary.

· All medicine administered are recorded on the consented administration of medicine sheet for the child at the time of administration.

· Parents/carers are asked to put sun cream on their children before a session.

· Any cream such as nappy cream or moisturiser cream for eczema etc must have written consent from Parent prior to application.


Long Term Medication


· We must have sufficient information about the medical condition of any child with long term medical needs and this is recorded in the child’s personal records.

· A health care plan for these individual children is located within the medicines folder and kept confidential.

· Healthcare Plans will be put in place for children with Asthma or Allergies/intolerances.




Hempsted Playgroup maintains a written record of accidents or injuries alongside any treatment given. This includes a separate head injury advice card.


· Our accident sheets are kept safely and are accessible to all staff.

· All accidents are recorded and any first aid treatment is recorded immediately after the event.

· All staff know where the accident sheets are and how to complete it.

· Parents/carers are informed in writing of any accident or injuries their child may have sustained whilst in our care, and of any first aid treatment which may have been administered.

· A parent/carer is required to sign the accident sheet as confirmation they have been notified this will be stored safely and securely at playgroup and a copy will be given to the parent/carer of the child involved. If possible, this is signed on the same day as the accident.

· The accident sheets are reviewed termly to identify any potential or actual hazards.


First Aid:

· Our playgroup has a fully stocked first aid kit with appropriate contents for use with children that conforms to the British Standard BS-8599-1. It is kept accessible at all times and the location is known to all members of staff.

· The contents of the kit and expiry dates are checked monthly and replacement items purchased.

· All members of staff have completed a recognised paediatric first aid course and new members of staff would be required to complete this as soon as possible following induction.

· The staff first aid training is renewed every 3 years.

Accident Reporting & Investigation ( RIDDOR)

Accident or injury

· Hempsted Playgroup follow policy for Recording and reporting of accidents and incidents (including procedure for reporting incidents to the HSE under RIDDOR requirements ‘Providers must keep a written record of accidents and first aid treatment.

· Hempsted Playgroup meet their legal requirements in respect of the safety of their employees and the public by complying with RIDDOR.

· Hempsted Playgroup follow the guidelines of the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations ( RIDDOR) for the reporting of accidents and incidents.


Child protection matters or behavioural incidents between children are not regarded as incidents and there are separated procedures for this.


Ofsted is notified as soon as possible but at least within 14 days, of any instances which involve

· Food poisoning affecting two or more children looked after on our premises

· A serious accident or injury to, or serious illness of a child in our care and the action we take in response

· The death of a child in our care


Local child protection agencies are informed of any serious accident for injury to a child, or the death of any child while in our care and we act on any advice given by those agencies.


Any food poisoning affecting two or more children or adults on our premises is reported to the local Environmental Health Department.



We report to the Health and Safety Executive

· Any work-related accident leading to the injury to a child or adult, for which they are taken to hospital.

· Any work-related injury to a member of staff which results in them being unable to work for seven consecutive days.

· When a member of staff suffers from a reportable work-related disease or illness

· Any death of a child or adult that occurs in connection with activities relating to our work.

· Any dangerous occurrences. This may be an event that causes injuries or fatalities or an event that does not cause an accident but could have done; such as a gas leak.




Maintenance and Storage of Equipment


· Hempsted Playgroup has a wide variety of equipment and materials that are used by the children in the course of their play and enjoyment at the setting. All equipment is bought from approved suppliers and is checked to ensure compliance with the British Safety standards.

· All equipment is well maintained and checked on a regular basis to ensure that it presents no risk to the health and safety of the children. Equipment and materials which do pose a hazard but which have an evidenced benefit for the development of children are used under constant supervision and stored securely after use.


Risk Assessments


At Hempsted Playgroup, assessing the risks in the setting and the environment is of utmost importance to help minimise the hazards associated with learning. Children need to take risks to enable them to learn safely. A risk assessment is essential in providing the safety of children and adults within the setting.



· To look at what hazards are within the setting and immediate environment.

· How the risk will be removed or minimised.

· Who will check for risks and how regularly?



· We have risk assessments for indoors and outdoors. Daily risk assessment sheets are used so that we can identify any hazards and deal with them straight away, if possible. Individual risk assessments are used for equipment, outings, immediate environment and resources.

· Hazards that are identified are written down on the risk assessment sheet along with who might be harmed, is the risk high, medium or low and what action is to be taken.

· They are reviewed regularly to see if they need amending, make sure the actions have been dealt with and keeping within the requirements needed. A thorough review of all risk assessments in place will take place annually.

· We encourage parents, children, students and volunteers to complete a risk assessment. This familiarises them with the procedures that need to be taken when identifying a risk.

· Personal Risk assessments may be put in place to support a child’s needs or if manual handling is required.

· Those who need support during Fire evacuations will have a personal evacuation plan in place which is known to all staff.

· We follow the Pre-school Learning Alliance's 5 steps process to risk assessment. See Risk Assessment Policy for further information.


Outings and Visits


· Parents sign permission forms for their child to be taken on local outings within the session.

· Parents sign individual permission forms for any planned major outings.

· A risk assessment is carried out for the place we have planned to visit, before the outing takes place.

· The adult/ child ratio is high during major trips. Parents are asked to come on the trip along with all members of staff to ensure this high ratio is met.

· Records are kept of the vehicles used to transport children, with named drivers and appropriate insurance cover. Drivers using their own transport should have adequate insurance cover.

· The first aid kit, mobile phone, emergency contacts and attendance register for the day is always taken on every outing or visit.

· All children take a drink with them on visits and food for the duration. If a child in nappies comes along, a spare change of clothes, nappies, and wipes should be taken. Spare pants and clothes for other children should be taken in case of accidents.




· Check that animals visiting the setting are free from disease, do not pose a health risk and are safe to be with children.

· Children must wash their hands using plenty of soap and warm running water after contact with animals.

· Outdoor footwear (preferably wellies) worn to farm visits are to be cleaned of mud and debris and should not be worn indoors.


Safety and Security


· Hempsted Playgroup feels that the safety and security of the children, parents and carers and staff are paramount to the running of the setting. A secure entry system is in place to ensure that only persons with a legitimate reason for being on the premises have access.

· Visitors, other than parents and carers collecting their children must pre-arrange their visits and carry identification; all visitors must make themselves known to a member of staff upon entry, stating their name and reason for visiting.

· Visitors are required to sign themselves in and out of the building and must be accompanied by a member of staff at all times.





We operate a strict no smoking policy, this means that there is no smoking at

any time on any part of the premises.






Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)


As an employer, we have a duty under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 to prevent employees from coming into contact with substances hazardous to health.


Chemicals and Material:

· It is Company policy to, wherever possible; avoid the use of substances that have the risk of being hazardous to health.

· Safety data sheets under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) or Chemical Hazard Information are kept.

· Packaging (CHIP) information supplied by manufacturers will be held on file for all substances and available for staff reference purposes and risk assessment.

· Staff who use these chemicals and materials have the duty of care to make themselves aware of the potential hazard, contradictions and treatments.


Measures and Provisions:


· We have conducted a risk assessment in relation to all substances used on our premises and concluded that no substance presents a high risk.

· The majority of substances used within the setting are of domestic standard for household use and therefore do not present any threat to health and are safe to use;

· The setting has general hygiene measures in place, together with the provision of personal protective equipment (PPE) to further ensure the safety of employees.

· Cleaning substances are of domestic standard;

· All substances are correctly stored in clearly labelled containers;

· Cleaning substances are safely stored in child-safe cupboards;

· Adequate washing facilities are available within all playgroup areas;

· PPE Aprons and rubber gloves are provided where required;

· All waste products, including medical waste is disposed of safely in accordance with statutory regulations.

· Safety Data Sheets (COSHH) for cleaning products are filed in the office and are accessible to all staff.


COSHH folder:

A record of all products used within the company is stored within the COSHH

folder. This folder is updated by the manager and is stored in the office cupboard.


Fire safety and Evacuation (Fire Policy and Evacuation Procedures)

· Fire doors are clearly marked, never obstructed and easily opened from inside.

· Smoke detectors, fire alarms and fire extinguishing appliances conform to BSEN standards, are fitted in easily accessible areas of the building and are checked, tested and serviced as specified by the manufacturer.

· Fire alarms are tested regularly and serviced in accordance with British Standards recommendations.

· Smoke detectors are tested.

· Fire extinguishers are checked visually daily, that they are in the correct place, and monthly that they have not been tampered with. All tests are recorded in the Fire Safety Log Book.

· Our emergency evacuation procedures are clearly displayed in the premises and explained to new members of staff, volunteers and parents. They are practiced regularly at least once termly.

· Records are kept of fire drills and the servicing of fire safety equipment.

· In the unlikely event of a terrorist attack, we follow the advice of the emergency services with regard to evacuation, medical aid and contacting children’s families. Our Evacuation Policy will be followed and staff in Playgroup will take charge of their key children.

· The incident will be recorded when the threat is averted.

Insurance Cover

We have public liability insurance and employers' liability insurance. The certificate is displayed on the notice board by the entrance to the setting.


Reviewed August 2023

© 2015 by Hempsted Playgroup.

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