Hempsted Playgroup and Toddlers
Hempsted Playgroup and Toddlers
Code of Conduct
Children usually feel more confident and positive about themselves and their learning when parents/carers and practitioners work together in an atmosphere of mutual respect.
(EYFS – Effective practice: Parents as partners)
The basic principle is that the interest of the child is placed before all else
Successful relationships become partnerships when there is two-way communication with parents and practitioners, who really listen to each other and value each other views and support each other in achieving the best outcomes for each child.
Hempsted playgroup will strive to provide a safe welcoming and environment for the children and families that access our service. We firmly believe that by working together parents/carers and educators can provide long lasting and beneficial effects on the children learning and emotional wellbeing.
This policy is to be used as a guide for all parents/ carers, volunteers, staff, extended family, visitors and professionals who access our setting. We have legal responsibility to provide a comfortable safe and happy environment for all the children and staff, in which rights of the child always considered.
Hempsted playgroup place great value on: -
The Physical and emotional well being of the children: meeting the individual needs of all children lies at the heart of the EYFS. We will, in close partnership with Parents/carers, strive to deliver personalized learning, development and care to help children get the best possible start on life.
Providing an opening and welcoming environment where everyone’s contribution is not only valued and respected but positively encouraged.
Promoting positive attitudes to diversity and difference within al children, helping them learn and to value different aspects of their own and other people’s lives enveloping the 5 British values of the Early Years Foundation Stage of Democracy, rule of law, Individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance.
Encouraging parent/Carers to support us in the day-to-day activities that we provide for the children.
To Safeguard, providing a safe and secure environment, in which children will thrive, staff will feel supported and valued, and parents will feel that their views and opinions are important.
To ensure the smooth running of the setting due to regard should be given to the following procedures.
Health and Safety – Our policies and procedures are always displayed in the setting and on our website, copies are available on request.
New parents are asked to read through all our polices, available on our website as compliance with all policies and procedures is essential.
Everyone working/volunteering will receive a setting induction where key policies and procedures are discussed and where everyone is made aware of the procedures for the Emergency evacuation of the building in case of a fire or other critical incidents.
Communication: - Is Key to avoiding misunderstandings and potentially volatile situations. We encourage a culture of polite consideration toward others using acceptable verbal and nonverbal language. At no time will aggressive or offensive language will be acceptable from any one whatever the circumstances may be.
Discipline – Issues with children are the responsibility of the staff and as such any concern about behaviour should be referred to a staff member directly. Staff will discuss day to day-to-day experiences with parents/carers but Any serious behaviour issues should only be discussed within the confines and privacy of the office. At no time will staff members be permitted to raise their voice whilst disciplining and child.
Respect – We are an inclusive setting and we celebrate diversity and difference within all people in line with British values.
Confidentiality: - is paramount and everyone is expected to comply with the settings confidentiality policy. Please respect the confidential nature of the information gained or behaviour observed in relation to other children and adults.
Conduct: - Always act in the best interest of other people.
For the policy to be effective everyone concerned must take ownership and assume responsibility of it. To ensure this happens:
The Management will endeavor to
Abide by the standards of conduct as set out in this policy
Ensure that this policy is displayed at the setting and all volunteers, students and visitors are made aware of it and agree to abide by the terms and conditions.
Parents have access to a copy of the policy upon request and parents can always access an updated copy online.
Ensure that this policy is provided to all staff upon acceptance of employment and that they are made aware of the serious implications of not acting within boundaries.
Review this policy at least once a year or as and when required with the involvement and inclusion of management, staff and parent/carers.
The Staff will endeavour to
Abide by the standards of the conduct as set out in this policy
Be aware of, and safeguard the rights of all children
Value and respect individual needs, family structure, cultural practices and beliefs of the children and families that use our service.
Work with colleagues, management and parent/carers to provide an environment that encourages positive communication and feedback. Your views and opinions are valuable in enabling us to evaluate our service.
Act as a positive role model always
Facilitate and promote the growth and development of the whole child and endeavour to meet the needs of each child for whom they are professionally responsible.
Maintain highest possible standards of performance and improve their knowledge and skills taking advantage of training provided online and offered to all members of staff.
Provide policies and procedures to ensure that parent/cares helping are not left alone with a child and are not placed in situations where they may feel awkward.
Ensure staff can demonstrate high standards of conduct in order to encourage children and parents to the same.
Parents will endeavour to
Abide by the standards of conduct as set out in this policy.
Breach of code of conduct
Any breach of the code of conduct will be treated promptly and taken very seriously. The management will endeavour to determine the appropriate course of action which may include, but is not limited to any following procedure
A first and final warning meeting/letter being issued to inform the relevant person of the outcome of the investigation and that another breach of conduct will not be tolerated.
A restraining order sought against the relevant person, which will in affect prevent the person from attending the setting even at drop off or pick up children.
The suspension and possible permanent withdrawal of the child place. The action will only be taken if all other avenues have been explored and the management feel that this is the only possible course of action left open to them
In the staff presented with a difficult or volatile situation and they feel an individual is in immediate danger, then the police will be contacted, and the assistance requested help deal with the situation.
Reviewed August 2024